Monday, November 12, 2007

Salad from a cauliflower and vegetable marrows

For the recipe it are required to you:
- A cauliflower (average) - 1 piece.
- A vegetable marrow (average) - 1 piece.
- Sugar - 1 ch.l.
- Mayonnaise - 1 glass.

Cabbage to divide{share} into fine inflorescences, to boil up to readiness in salty boiled water. A vegetable marrow to clear of a leather{skin} and seeds, to cut large cubes, to combine in a colander, to lower{omit} in salty boiled water and, having closed a cover to cook up to readiness. To take out a colander from boiled water, to give to flow down to water, it is good to dry a vegetable marrow, to mix with cooked cabbage, to combine in a salad dish, to fill with the mayonnaise mixed with sugar. The cut vegetable marrow always should be cooked in a colander, differently slices will break at removal from water. All vegetables the miscellaneous is necessary to cook separately, as time parks for each of vegetables.

To submit vegetables if they the independent dish, is possible differently, namely: a dish to divide{share} from the center to edge{territory} long strips croutons, prepared of a roll, and between these partitions to spread out on grades different vegetables, selecting on colors, each sector of vegetables to water oil.

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